Marie in front of house by flower garden

Marie Bonville

Marie Bonville is a Programs Officer at Oweesta, residing in Northwest Georgia. She began her professional career in 2007 with the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Marie’s experience includes K-12 education program management and tribal housing compliance, having served as Director of Training and Technical Assistance for the Native Learning Center. She has collaborated with Tribal housing authorities and housing coalitions, Native CDFIs and non-profits to enhance financial wellness and homeownership education in Indian Country.

As a small business owner and independent training consultant, Marie specialized in meeting facilitation and training, housing counseling, and housing program compliance. She is passionate about homeownership, believing it to be a beautiful milestone that uplifts both families and communities. She is certified to deliver “Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Guide,” “Building Native Communities: Financial Skills for Families,” and “Enterprise Community Partners: Tribal Leaders Handbook on Homeownership.”

Originally from Miami Gardens, Florida, Marie holds a B.A. in Political Science with a minor in International Affairs, as well as an M.A. in Public Administration with a Graduate Certificate in Community Development from Florida International University.

Marie is married with two pre-teen boys, and they spend much of their time together on baseball and football fields. In her spare time, she also enjoys gardening and learning to play golf with her husband, Stephen.